As residents can attest to, Juneau County has some of the most diverse and appealing scenery in the country, from the hills to the forests, the bluffs and the waterways. Each corner of the county has something special to offer. With the expansion of ATV routes, visitors can exit at any of the four Juneau County I-90/94 exits, eat and stay locally, and hop on their vehicles to explore the area.
ATV/UTV Clubs Serving Juneau County
(Click on a name below for details)
Bear Bluff ATV Club
Castle Rock Family ATV Club
Over the Hill ATV Club
Petenwell ATV Club
Sauk Ridge Runners ATV Club
You can also find printed trail maps at many local business establishments located on the ATV/UTV routes. If you are unfamiliar with the area and would like to pick up a map, contact a local club. There is a small charge for printed map guides.
Information on the Joint County ATV Council (JCAC)
JCAC, formed in 2011, was established to have all Juneau County ATV Clubs work together in planning and promoting safe, lawful, ATV recreational riding. By working together, JCAC becomes one voice representing many organizations. JCAC works closely with local municipalities in connecting routes across the county and with the Juneau County Highway Committee should there be a need to access County highways. The Council consists of two members from each ATV club that wishes to participate and two members at large. CLICK HERE for the JCAC website
City and Township ATV Ordinances
Some local municipalities have additional ordinances for ATV/UTV use, so we recommend checking with them prior to riding. CLICK HERE for a list of municipality contacts